Ask an Ambassador

At HUG, we know reaching out to a new organization or person can be intimidating, but our HUG Ambassadors do such a great job making new friends feel welcome and comfortable. We reached out and asked our ambassadors for some advice about how to connect with HUG and create lasting friendships. Follow their tips and you’re sure to be well-connected with a busy social calendar in no time. If you have any additional questions about how to connect, reach out to the HUG Team. We are here to help!

“The key to happiness is the human connection.” – Neetha, HUG Ambassador

What is your favorite part about HUG?

“The fun events, throwing the first pitch for the Tampa Bay Rays, seeing all my friends & visiting the HUG office. “

-Dirk Howard, HUG Ambassador

“I have a lot of new friends and social options that I wouldn’t have had before.”

-Rick Farr, HUG Ambassador

How did you feel at your first HUG event?

“I felt shy at first, but then later I started to open up and make new connections. I felt welcomed and happy to meet new people. I started to relax and have fun.”

-Neetha Erukulla, HUG Ambassador & creator of this page

“I was nervous but once I started meeting new people, I had fun and made lots of friends. I love HUG because I love people and being part of the HUG program.”

-Heidi Fenton, HUG Ambassador & Miss Inspirational 2018

How can someone feel less nervous at their first HUG event?

“There is nothing to be nervous about at a HUG event because everybody is so friendly and nice! Just focus on having fun. If you feel sad, you can go to the HUG team or a HUG Ambassador and they will be there to help you.”

-Lauren Chouinard, HUG Ambassador & Miss Charitable 2018

“You are not alone; we were all nervous at first! If you don’t know how to approach people to start a conversation, the HUG team or one of our awesome HUG Ambassadors will help you. After a few minutes, you’ll feel right at home.”

-Ashley Richmond, HUG Team Member

What are some topics that are easy to talk about with new people?

“I recommend talking about your interests. Some of mine are cats, cars, adventures and travel.”

-Tim Kraus, HUG Ambassador

“I like to talk about my hobbies, such as sports, movies, TV shows and food.”

-Kartheek Erukulla, HUG Ambassador

How can you get involved with HUG?

“You can get involved by communicating through the website, emailing or making a phone call to the HUG office. You can also attend a Friends of HUG event.”

-Melissa Caulfield, Original HUG Ambassador

Give the HUG team a call or send us an email for more information, to RSVP for events or just to connect! You can reach us at (727) 489-5885 or by emailing