Get Involved
Attend a HUG Event
HUG events are fun, they’re free, and they’re wonderful ways for individuals with disabilities to make friends and have unforgettable experiences.

HUG's Day at Studio Movie Grill

HUG's Hole in Fun Miniature Golf Event

HUG & Handi's 2022 Holiday Banquet

Girl's & Guy's Night Out with HUG

Become a HUG Ambassador

If you love HUG, consider volunteering for our most important job — helping others find friends and letting the world know why we need to include people with special needs. That’s what you’ll do as a HUG Ambassador. You will be our representative in the community.
All HUG Ambassadors receive a HUG t-shirt, swag and flyers to give to anyone you meet who may need help making friends. Plus, you can even star in your own “mini-commercial” about why inclusion is so important! Meet a few rockstar Ambassadors in the videos below.
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Meet HUG Ambassador Rick
Meet HUG Ambassador Maxine
Meet HUG Ambassador Will
Meet HUG Ambassador Wesley
Meet HUG Ambassador Ed1 / 4

Meet HUG Ambassador Rick

Meet HUG Ambassador Maxine

Meet HUG Ambassador Will

Meet HUG Ambassador Wesley

Meet HUG Ambassador Ed

We’re not gonna lie: volunteering for HUG is a straight shot of joy right to the heart. If you want to join us as a volunteer, we’d love to hear from you.